Hardware and Software Sales and Support

Home Laptops, PC's and Media
Wanting to buy or upgrade your home Laptop or PC but don't know what to get? It can be confusing to know where to begin or how much you may need to spend. We can build a PC that is suited to your own specific needs, and ensure that you won't be spending money on unnecessary hardware or software.
We can even help you to set up your home PC's to allow the whole family to access your Pictures and Videos all across your home network.
Office Solutions
Don't waste time sitting and waiting for you PC to load while you could be doing more productive work. Contact us and wait no more.
We can help you to install the latest technology into your office. People are only as effective as their tools allow them to be!
Do you or your staff need training? We can turn slow underproductive office teams into IT literate powerhouses!
Maintenence and Support
Do you suspect you have a virus? Or perhaps your PC just doesn't run as fast as you would like?
We can help you to solve these issues and protect you against viruses and credit card fraud, something that many people are completely unaware of.
We also offer Dataflex programming and support.